Baby Boomers are the largest growing group on Facebook, that’s a fact. What has been happening is that Baby Boomers and their kids have been connecting like nothing before. Often times parents have a few years with their teenage kids so if you can find a way to connect digitally it will help you in the long run.
There is a certain amount of digital intimacy in a teenagers life, or actually a lot. There’s also the fact that if a teen knows that their parents are on social media then they’ll end up tapering what they expose about their lives. So all in all, it can be a good two way street for you to extend your relationship with your kids.
Even if your kids are in their 20′s or 30′s social media can be a great way to share experiences and photos that you’ll be interested. Weddings, vacations and newborns are all over social media so there’s no reason why the parents can’t be involved.
There’s a fine line for sure without being overbearing because you don’t want to risk the digital relationship so be wary of too much involvement. This type of digital relationship is very fragile so you have to nurture it as best you can. Before leaping in head first you may want to consult with your kids first to make sure that they’d feel comfortable with you being on there.
In the end its all about having fund and connecting with your kids! Go forth and spread joy!